EGN Lolland Falster

After three years, the beloved project with Museum Lolland Falster is coming to an end. Together, we explored the taste of Lolland Falster - a unique culinary identity with many stories to tell. The project took many shapes, from teaching materials to events, producer tours, and podcast episodes. We leave behind a strengthened sense of community and local pride in the region of Lolland Falster.

Partner: Museum Lolland-Falster

Year: 2020-2023

Category: The Taste of a Place, Education, Project Management, Event, Research

Visit Museum Lolland-Falster

The mysterious Palmekage has traces of Poland

Palmekage is an Easter cake, well-known among the residents of Lolland-Falster. But where it comes from is an unsolved case. We did some research and found clues that pointed us to Poland. We looked into it and found some clues that suggest it might be from Poland. Back in the 1890s, workers from Galicia (a region near Poland and Ukraine) came to Denmark to help grow sugar beets. At the same time, palmekage started showing up in local bakeries. This would also make sense since people in Poland also eat cakes and pastries during Easter.

Do you want to know more about this project? Contact Asmus